Patrick Rothfuss Said: “I feel bad” about not releasing The Doors of Stone

Fantasy fans have eagerly anticipated the release of The Doors of Stone, the third and final installment in Patrick Rothfuss’ beloved Kingkiller Chronicle series, for over a decade now. The long wait has drawn comparisons to that for The Winds of Winter, the sixth book in George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series. Unfortunately, neither author has given a definitive timeline for when these concluding volumes will be published.

While Martin has shared multiple sample chapters from The Winds of Winter to satiate impatient readers, Rothfuss has been far more tight-lipped about his work-in-progress. However, he did read the prologue of The Doors of Stone and promised to release an entire chapter after fans helped him meet a fundraising goal for his Worldbuilders charity. This chapter was not meant to follow main character Kvothe but rather be a standalone story within the larger narrative. Despite fan enthusiasm helping unlock this reward, the chapter has yet to materialize.

Rothfuss Recently Provided an Update on the Missing Charity Chapter

During a recent livestream on his Twitch channel, Rothfuss opened up about the status of the elusive chapter he owes readers. “I feel really bad about the chapter,” he admitted. Rather than just posting the text online, Rothfuss wanted to do “something fun” for the chapter’s release, like organizing professional voice actors to record an audio version. However, these grand plans ultimately complicated and delayed the process.

“It got complicated and it got hard and various fires in my life which meant I couldn’t keep it going, couldn’t put a bow on it, and I feel bad about it,” Rothfuss explained. At this point, so much time has passed that he has gone back and re-edited the chapter extensively. This has created a dilemma where he must now decide whether to complete these revisions or revert to the original version and simply publish it as promised.

Rothfuss’ Perfectionism May Be Contributing to the Book’s Delay

It’s clear Rothfuss’ perfectionist tendencies are making it difficult for him to complete The Doors of Stone. While fans are understandably frustrated by the missed deadlines and long wait, especially after donating money, Rothfuss is surely facing immense pressure to deliver a satisfactory conclusion to his epic fantasy trilogy. Writing and revising at his own pace may be necessary, even if it tests readers’ patience.

The Kingkiller Chronicle Novella The Narrow Road Between Desires Coming in November 2022

While the wait for The Doors of Stone continues, Rothfuss is releasing some new writing set in the same universe later this year. His novella The Narrow Road Between Desires, focusing on the fan-favorite character Bast, is scheduled for publication on November 14, 2022. This 175-page story promises to reveal more secrets of the enigmatic Fae and can be pre-ordered now.

Given the Abbott audience love of humorous cool and exciting stories, after someone preorders The Narrow Road Between Desires they could also check out series like Discworld by Terry Pratchett or The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher to help pass the time until the next Kingkiller Chronicle book. There are also great fantasy shows like The Wheel of Time on Amazon Prime Video or podcasts like The Adventure Zone that capture a similar tone and vibe.

Kingkiller Chronicle Fans Remain Eager for Any New Content While Awaiting The Doors of Stone

It’s clear fans are hungry for any breadcrumbs Rothfuss drops about Kvothe and the Four Corners, even if the final chapter remains elusive. His transparency about the challenges he faces finishing the series is appreciated, even if the delays are difficult to accept. Rothfuss’ drive for perfection is understandable, given the towering expectations he faces.

While The Doors of Stone will arrive when it’s ready, devoted readers will continue speculating and re-reading The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man’s Fear as they anxiously await the conclusion of this fantasy saga. Rothfuss faces immense pressure to stick the landing, but his talents as a masterful storyteller are undeniable. When the final chapter of Kvothe’s legend at last comes to print, it will undoubtedly deliver answers that live up to the wait.

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