Patrick Rothfuss’s The Doors of Stone Release Date | Kingkiller Chronicles Book 3

Patrick Rothfuss’ highly acclaimed fantasy series The Kingkiller Chronicle has seen extraordinary success, with over 10 million copies sold worldwide. The first book, The Name of the Wind, was published in 2007 to great critical acclaim. The sequel The Wise Man’s Fear followed in 2011, also receiving high praise. However, fans have now been waiting over a decade for the third and final book, The Doors of Stone.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything we know so far about the delays, Rothfuss’ struggles in completing the book, and when readers can expect to finally get their hands on the elusive The Doors of Stone.

With no official release date announced, speculation continues as to when the conclusion of Kvothe’s story will arrive. This article will examine the reasons behind the long delays, Rothfuss’ own explanations, and what the future could hold for The Doors of Stone’s publication.

Challenges in Writing

The doors of stone release date

Rothfuss has faced numerous challenges in the completion of “The Doors of Stone.” Personal tragedies, struggles with deadlines, and the pressure of living up to the series’ success have all contributed to the delay. Despite these challenges, Rothfuss remains committed to delivering a satisfying conclusion to his saga.

Patrick Rothfuss’s Book and its Release Date:

TitleRelease Date
“The Name of the Wind”March 27, 2007
“The Wise Man’s Fear”March 1, 2011
“The Slow Regard of Silent Things”October 28, 2014
“The Doors of Stone” (upcoming)TBA

The Original Publication Plans and How They Changed

In the glow of The Name of the Wind’s success, Rothfuss optimistically planned to release one Kingkiller Chronicle book per year. This would have seen The Wise Man’s Fear publish in 2008 and The Doors of Stone in 2009. However, the author has been open about why this ambitious schedule proved impossible.

On his website in 2009, Rothfuss explained the significant extra work The Wise Man’s Fear required. Having focused solely on The Name of the Wind for years, its follow-up was quite rough. Rothfuss also admitted he struggled adjusting from hobbyist writer to bestselling author on a tight deadline. After finally showing his editor an unfinished draft, she pulled The Wise Man’s Fear from the release schedule to allow more time.

This delay meant The Doors of Stone couldn’t feasibly release in 2009 as originally hoped. The Wise Man’s Fear ultimately took until 2011 to complete. Understandably, this meant Rothfuss’ attention stayed there rather than the final book. Its extensive revisions had ramifications for the entire series’ schedule.

Rothfuss also struggled to meet the tight deadline, being accustomed to hobby writing without pressure. Following his mother’s passing shortly before The Name of the Wind’s release, Rothfuss understandably needed more time to deliver the intricate sequel at the quality readers deserved.

After pushback from his editor, The Wise Man’s Fear was ultimately released in 2011. This shifted the timeline for The Doors of Stone substantially.

Rothfuss Opens Up About His Struggles With the Book

As the wait hit the decade mark, Rothfuss began speaking more openly about his challenges in completing The Doors of Stone. In a 2020 Facebook post, his editor Betsy Wollheim suggested Rothfuss hadn’t written anything in years. The author himself explained in a Twitch stream how anxious he feels letting people down, affecting him significantly.

Rothfuss wants the book to live up to expectations after so many gravitated to his work. He cares deeply about delivering something special to reward the fans’ passion. This has clearly weighed heavily, making it difficult to finish the story. The pressure seems more paralyzing as the anticipation increases over time.

In a 2015 interview, Rothfuss said The Doors of Stone required “a lot of work”, estimating it was around 75% done when he turned attention back to it. This highlights how ending Kvothe’s tale satisfactorily is proving such an obstacle. Rothfuss is renowned for his intricate, multilayered narratives. The Doors of Stone’s complexity may be contributing to the delays.

Adaptation Attempts

There have been several attempts to adapt “The Kingkiller Chronicle” into other media, including talks of a movie and a television series. However, these projects have yet to come to fruition, adding another layer of anticipation and uncertainty for fans of the series.

Additional Stories in the Kingkiller Chronicle World

Despite The Doors of Stone’s problems, Rothfuss has released new fiction in his fantasy world. In 2014, two novellas shed more light on characters from the main trilogy. The Slow Regard of Silent Things focuses on the mysterious, eccentric Auri, expanding on parts of her history. The Lightning Tree gives more insight into Bast’s personality and abilities.

Though not progress on The Doors of Stone itself, these novellas do suggest Rothfuss is still creatively engaged in the Kingkiller Chronicle’s wider universe. Fans speculate they may have been easier projects for the author to complete amidst his struggles with the third book. The Lightning Tree also provides hints regarding the concluding novel’s possible storylines.

The Doors of Stone Release Date:

Excitingly for fans, Rothfuss has now confirmed he is expanding The Lightning Tree novella into a full story called The Narrow Road Between Desires, set for release in November 2024. Covering a single day, it delves deeper into the character Bast. Given some of this was already written as The Lightning Tree, completing an extended version may have been more achievable for Rothfuss. He announced that The Narrow Road Between Desires will be released on November 14th, 2024.

Hopefully, this indicates writing progress for the author. Perhaps developing this side tale will provide renewed impetus regarding The Doors of Stone. It could function similarly to The Slow Regard of Silent Things and The Lightning Tree in terms of engaging with the world between main trilogy books. The Narrow Road Between Desires may therefore give useful momentum as Rothfuss returns to concluding Kvothe’s epic.

What Might Be Next For The Doors of Stone?

It’s impossible to say with any certainty when The Doors of Stone will materialize. Rothfuss’ struggles are understandable, but undoubtedly frustrating for fans awaiting the trilogy’s resolution. However, the new novella shows Rothfuss remains committed to Temerant. Its 2024 release and subsequent promotional engagements could ideally spur him towards finishing The Doors of Stone.

Rothfuss clearly wants to do Kvothe’s story justice. But increased pressure makes that harder. With the novella complete, hopefully the author can refocus on the third book with fresh vigor. Perhaps he just needs the right inspiration to push through the challenging remaining work. It may simply be a slow process getting across the finish line.

The Doors of Stone will likely arrive when Rothfuss overcomes the obstacles of delivering his meticulously crafted, deeply personal vision. Fans must continue waiting patiently, trusting the author who brought The Name of the Wind to life. Maybe someday soon, that patience will finally be rewarded.

Here are some key highlights from the article:

  • Patrick Rothfuss’ Kingkiller Chronicle trilogy remains unfinished over a decade after the first book was published. Fans eagerly await the final book, The Doors of Stone.
  • Rothfuss originally planned to release one book per year, with The Doors of Stone coming out in 2009. Delays stemmed from needing more time to revise The Wise Man’s Fear.
  • In recent years, Rothfuss has struggled to make progress on finishing the third book. His editor even claimed to have not seen any of it written.
  • The author has opened up about perfectionism and mental health issues slowing down his writing. He feels immense pressure to deliver a great ending for fans.
  • A new Kingkiller novella called The Narrow Road Between Desires, centred on Bast, is coming in late 2024. This signals Rothfuss is writing in the world again.
  • No firm timeline is set for The Doors of Stone. Rothfuss continues revising existing draft chapters. Fans anxiously await any update on the finale.
  • Fans have been waiting over a decade for “The Doors of Stone,” the final book in Patrick Rothfuss’ Kingkiller Chronicle trilogy.
  • Rothfuss’ progress on the book has been compared to George R.R. Martin’s long-awaited “The Winds of Winter.”
  • Rothfuss has released a novella set in the Kingkiller world, indicating ongoing work within the series.
  • He shared the prologue of “The Doors of Stone” titled “A Silence of Three Parts” during a Twitch livestream, showcasing his writing style.
  • Despite promises, Rothfuss was unable to fulfill a commitment to read an entire chapter during a livestream.
  • The book is expected to conclude Kvothe’s story, including his encounter with the king, and unravel other mysteries.
  • Significant portions of the book will likely be set at the University and feature appearances from characters like Skarpi.
  • The Fae realm, previously explored in the series, will play a significant role in the final book.
  • Rothfuss has confirmed that Kvothe’s psychological state in the third book is complex.
  • While “The Doors of Stone” concludes the trilogy, Rothfuss has hinted at more novels set in the same world.
  • There’s no confirmed release date for “The Doors of Stone,” and relying on placeholder dates won’t expedite its release.


  1. When will “The Doors of Stone” be released?
    • The release date for “The Doors of Stone” has not been officially announced. Fans continue to wait for news from Rothfuss and his publishers.
  2. Will “The Doors of Stone” conclude the story of Kvothe?
    • Yes, “The Doors of Stone” is planned to be the final instalment in the main Kingkiller Chronicle trilogy, concluding Kvothe’s story.
  3. Can I read “The Slow Regard of Silent Things” and “The Lightning Tree” without having read the main series?
    • While these works are set in the same universe, it is recommended to read the main series first for better understanding and context.